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[INFORMATIVO] GuíaVerde June 2019

This month in the InformativoGV, Viridalia, interview with Joan Roig, one of the respected voices in the industry, and Expo Horti Beijing 2019.

27/06/2019 Author: GuiaVerde

In this new edition of the Informative GuíaVerde, the last of the season until the return of the long-awaited and well-deserved vacation, we will approach to Viridalia to learn about the novelties that have presented in this edition, ten of the most important companies of ornamental plant of the Maresme in their open days.

We talk with Joan Roig, founder of Grup Roig, president of the Federació d Agricultors Viveristes de Catalunya and the Associació d Agricultors Viveristes of Barcelona. With him we've taken the pulse of the sector, the ornamental and the role of associations.

And in addition, we will take you to Beijing. There has opened its doors Expo Horti Beijing 2019. The international Exhibition will show over the next five months the proposals in gardening and horticulture for more than 100 different countries.

All this and much more in the Informative GuíaVerde of June!